After four days of Cyberschool, some super work has resulted and been sent in, which can be seen on the main school website at:
However some of the e-mail interaction between staff and pupils has made for entertaining reading. Names removed/abbreviated to initials to protect the innocent and guilty alike!
0908 Good morning! B.; tuck your shirt in.
0914 how do you know my shirt is't tucked in
0915 Big brother is watching you!!
0930 yes sir
Hello, Sir. i've got a problem. I haven't got an Olive tree. "WHAT AM I GOING TO?". Only joking. The work is fun.
Hi everyone- so who has got Swan Flu?
Yes - when we went to RAK in the UAE they pronounced my name choss - I got used to it - I was happy that they remembered me. Hope you are well, please dont get swine flu.
Unfortunately we are unable to read the attachment, however this won't stop us doing any work!
I am beginning to tear my hair out with computers that will not print, or connect to the internet for more than a few seconds, so we have given up trying to keep up with lessons. We will print off what we can/ work as and when the machines will give us access and hopefully bring hard copies of most things with us on Friday. I hope you understand. We will go and look at the flowers, bus stop and the church now
He spent three hours on the maths times tables yesterday afternoon as he enjoyed it so much, unfortunately I have to go out to a long standing appointment this morning, so A. is going to do half an hour now. I hope that this is Ok.
Problem a) If Mary can mow the court in 3 hours and Jack can mow it in 6 hours, how long would it take them to mow the court together?
Well done! You have completely upstaged all other subjects. Greek and French have been dismissed and she is rummaging through our rrecycling boxes and waving scissors about in a dangerous manner. She is completely inspired and absorbed. You might as well tell all her other teachers now to just forget whatever they had planned.
I have done the work on the computer but I can't draw a picture of my house on the Work sheet do I print out the work sheet and then draw the house. Hope you can help!!!
Hello all. Anybody in? Hellloooooooo??
I know you can hear me!
Bet those Ts are off shootin’ and huntin’ someplace, skinning some unfortunate creature. (Please be careful, boys)
And that A. is off on a skiing jaunt, probably swanning around in a helicopter at this very moment.
And N. - arm wrestling bears and stealing their dinner money- don’t think I don’t know about that.
And J. and A.- watching TV and eating crisps for more than 36 hours straight might give you bed sores.
And B.- I said diary writing, not dairy writing- stop writing about cheese spreads.
And that K, well we all know what she’s been up to… I just hope the law doesn’t find out. Just because the CCTV image was patchy, doesn’t mean they won’t track you down- Robbing a bank in your wedding dress: original and funny- but conspicuous. A bad idea. Stick to your usual catsuit and tights over the head.
So your diaries will be very entertaining after all….
Keep well, see you Monday
Here is my English homework (We hope you can read it - please refer to mammy's earlier email about being mac users)
1008 Good morning. Thank you for trying yesterday's Kakuro puzzle. Here's today's offering. Good Luck
1835 8/8 on the simultaneous equations and i will do the rest after my tea.
1844 Excellent. What's for tea?
1912 Dad's cooking so nothing special. Just a few chicken nuggets with beans.I have got 14/15 on the averages. I got the mean of the 8 numbers wrong.
2009 Well done, and I hope that the chicken nuggets were edible! Don't worry about that website; it seemed to be closed all day for maintenance
2019 The chicken nuggets were edible and I managed to find nonograms on a different website. I completed a 5*5 one in 45 seconds. Thanks
And a few from the microblogs on Edmodo:
note from R. to Juniors all spiders have eight/8 legs, except the one in our house which has seven, as Whizz pulled one off
Aha, H. is back from work! Busy day at the office, boys?
Yes, been outside no computers.
That sounds very good, H.; sitting looking at a computer screen all day is not good for you! (note to self: must mow the lawn!)
I need to mow the lawn.
HH: Hey guys I just heard about the recycling fashion design. I've made a belt of crisp packets and I hope to make a t_shirt.
HB: We don't eat crisps as we're too healthy.Good idea thou
HH:I just ate 20 packets for breakfast and I am going to eat 30 more so I can make a uniform for a school.
Teacher: Well I hope you take some photos of yourself dressed entirely in crisp packets! Just don't have more than your recommended daily allowance of salt! (Health and Safety warning)
P: Go into school on Monday wearing it!!!!!!!
Block Tower
A very popular and addictive game release the block by taping anywhere and
construct the tower as tall as possible! If you miss three or more Stone
blocks ...
1 week ago
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